Corporate Portrait Photography Singapore

Pro gears – Better photographers?

We have often heard comments like “wow, your photos look so nice, you must have a very good camera” or “If I have pro gears like yours, my photos will be good”. But you will never hear something like this ” wow, your chicken tastes so nice, you must have a good wok”. Anyway, photography is not all about gears. While good gears yields better results, it may not be true when pro gears are used by non-experienced photographers. Below is a video of such example.

When you engage a photographer, you are not only paying him for the gears he invested in but also the experience that beginners would not have. When engaging a photographer, it would not be advisable to use the price as a decision maker, look at his portfolio to see if you like his style and use that to help you decide if that photographer is for you.

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